Navel Orange – Arabian Yacht
Navel Orange

Navel Orange


One of the most popular fruits is the navel orange. Perhaps it is because of its larger size compared to other varieties of oranges or because the navel orange is usually seedless. The navel orange is well known for its size and the fact that it has what appears to be a navel on the outside, thus the name “navel orange.” The “navel” hides another small orange within the skin which is another reason this orange variety is larger than some of the other varieties you might find in the food market or at produce stands.

Because of the climate oranges are available in Texas all year although the peak season for navel oranges is November through early May. During August and September the market tends to slow down although it is still possible to find an abundant supply of navel oranges in some places throughout the United States. Texas is only one of the four states that grows and harvests the oranges that are shipped to various states on both the east and west coasts. The availability depends largely on the type of weather growers must endure during the peak growing season. Changes in temperature can negatively affect the number of navel orange crops the trees will produce.

There are several other varieties of oranges available in Texas but the navel orange is one of the most popular. Whenever consumers are unable to obtain navel oranges, they usually resort to the Valencia orange which is the one which manufacturers most commonly use for manufacturing commercial orange juice. While both varieties tend to be seedless, it is not uncommon to find a few seeds in Valencia oranges. Another attractive component of the navel orange is the ease with which you can remove the peel and separate the orange sections.

The location where you live quite often determines where the navel orange you buy is cultivated. This is not necessarily a guarantee, however; it is quite possible you can closer to the east coast and purchase navel oranges that were cultivated on the west coast. One important thing to keep in mind is when it comes to eating any kind of orange, they are very healthy and have an abundance of vitamin C–important for those who live in changing climates that may cause the development of many weather-induced illnesses. This makes the antioxidants in navel oranges an important part of each person’s daily dietary requirement.

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